08 February 2012

Product Review: gDiapers

Hi!  If you're visiting from Pinterest or another site, you might be interested in these posts, also about cloth diapering, our routine, etc!  Since writing this post, we've gone to using mostly pocket diapers-- they were a little cheaper & easier for us.  :)

Cloth Diaper Reviews: Kawaii

Cloth Diapers: Our Laundry Routine

The Quick & Cheap Way to Start Cloth Diapering for only $200

Pockets & Prefolds Explained (with pictures!)

Three Reasons I Cloth Diaper

Erin's Story: $75 Cloth Diaper Stash!


I have to admit, I never saw it coming.  I'd bought up cloth diapers on sale & was super excited to start using them.  I knew that it would be a trial & error experience, but I never saw myself falling totally in love with gDiapers.  Never saw that one coming!

I'd bought this package 2nd hand from a mom on Craigslist who'd used them for approximately 3 hours.  I know that because 2 of them had stains on them, and the rest hadn't been used.  It had 12 tinypants (newborn size) & 6 gPants in size small.

The downside is that Hazelnut outgrew the newborn size in less than a week, with her weighing barely over 7 lbs.  The good news is, 12 was plenty.  And now we're in the size small gPants... and guess what??  6 is plenty!!  Yes, you heard that right, I'm using 6 diapers for my child, and I'm not doing laundry twice a day.


Most of the time, the actual diaper doesn't get wet or dirty.  Maybe once or twice a day one will get messed up.  I'll rinse it in the toilet & throw it in the wetbag for the next batch of laundry.  I'm doing diaper laundry about every other day.

Let me rephrase that... my mom has been doing diaper laundry about every other day.  But she's back in the real world now, so I'm going to have to start actually doing stuff myself now!  :)

So if you're considering cloth diapers, I absolutely recommend gDiapers.  I'm considering selling my brand new never-been-used stash of one size diapers so that I can go buy more gPants!  If I can recoup most of my costs (which I should be able to, considering they've never been used & have pretty good resale value), then I think I might just do it!

My suggestion to the mom interested in using these:

Buy 6 size small (or medium, or large, if you don't have a newborn).  You can choose either the cloth inserts or the disposable inserts.  The disposable inserts are awesome, but for longevity & cost savings (over disposable), I'd go for cloth.
Spring for the extra snap-in liners-- they will get dirty before the covers will, and it's worth the $20.

Extra cloth inserts: these are the things that will get dirty, so you'll want enough to do laundry about every other day (another 2 packs should do).

Yup... that's my review!  And in case you need to be tipped over the edge, I'm pretty sure there's nothing cuter than this!


Dawn Marie said...

Thanks for sharing this! I've been wondering how many gpants and inerts I should buy, and this was helpful. I recently wrote a blog entry about why I want to gDiaper, and it's hilarious how both you and I seem so excited by them! I'm due in June, so I don't have hands-on experience yet. Your blog entry was very helpful to me!
Thanks again for posting, and great pictures to explain!

Moonofsilver said...

I want to use cloth diapers if I ever have a kid!

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