There's really nothing he can't do. I'm convinced. He is my hero. He's my best friend in the whole wide world. He's a dreamer who knows how to get things done. He's incredibly disciplined. And the best chef you'll ever have. His work ethic is insane. He will be a GREAT father for our children and most importantly, he has a heart for God.
I've often thought about making a pseudonym for him on here, but always figured that no one would really like to read about "Mr. Smokin' Hot!" all the time. So he's Josh.
I'm a southern gal. I love blogging, taking pictures, and my family. I want a zillion kids, just not yet. I love my life, my husband, our two dogs, and our cat. Our apartment is awesome and I like it much better than living in a house. We're debt free.
Our kiddos.

Jigsaw- Jig is my baby. He's 10, born on March 17 (St. Patty's day!) and he's a red Jack-Russell Terrier. I know his genealogy. He comes running when I cry-- it's the only time he cuddles. He's a touch-me-not
Max- Maxie was Josh's dog from when he was in high school. He's a dachshund and enjoys

My family.
My family is... crazy. fun. dysfunctional. functional. loving. touch-me-not. weird. normal. What I mean to say is that they're just like every other family in America. We're not the Duggars, but there is a fair amount of us.
Photo by: Blue Frame Photography
Photo by: Blue Frame Photography
And my siblings. They tortured me through childhood, so this is payback time. Ok, not really. The three on the left are my older brothers. And then on the right is our baby sister.
I will always talk about them on here. My middle school years were just too rough to forget.