17 January 2011

Take pictures, and take them often.

I was looking over pictures today from this past year of my family.  What amazed me the most is how my nieces have grown.

Do you have kids?  Because they're probably growing, too!  Quick, get a camera out before they're grown!

Here is a snapshot I took (and edited- bleh!) years ago.

And here she is from this summer.
photo by: Blue Frame Photography
 Same blonde hair, but such a more grown up little girl!  And then... here is from Thanksgiving.

As the years go by I have more and more people ask me if I still have a picture from years ago.  I love it when I find one!

Next up is Rylie:
Three days old in the hospital. (March)

And from this summer.
photo by: Blue Frame Photography
 And then for her Christmas pictures this year.
photo by: me!

 And finally...  Sunaura:
July 2009- less than 24 hours old and less than 2 lbs.

In September 2009- right around her due date.

July 2010
photo by: Blue Frame Photography
 November 2010.  She does have some hair... just not much!  Two of her older sisters didn't have hair until they were 2 years old though, so she's still got some time.
photo by: me!

So even if you're not fabulous with a camera, do it anyway.  Trust me... your kiddos (and you!) would rather have pictures with half their head cut off than none at all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I try, but my photos aren't nearly as good as yours :-)

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