25 November 2010

Giving Thanks.

In case you just woke up from a 3 year slumber and aren't aware, today is Thanksgiving.

A lot of people on Facebook chose to write one thing they are thankful for each day as their status.  I never got around to it, but there are so many things I'm thankful for.

Jesus.  My husband.  My family.  My sweet doggies and kitty cat.  Money. Health. Friends.

Yeah... I said money.  It doesn't bring happiness, but the lack of it sure does bring misery. Copyright Josh Fowler 2009.

God has provided so much this past year.  We've paid off our debts, lost loved ones, seen new life born, and are about to start a brand new chapter in our lives.

We've been very blessed.

How have you been blessed this year?  What are you thankful for?

Have a great day no matter how you spend it!

1 comment:

Rob said...

I'm thankful that God led us to the Fowlers. Can't wait for you guys to get to the 757. You guys joining our team has been an answered prayer.

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