Are you sure?
Sunaura's doctors did some more tests, and the blood that was showing up in her brain before is disappearing/gone (I don't remember which one). They said she does not have cerebral palsy. Basically, she lost that part of her brain where it was at, which is like the equivalent of someone having a stroke. They lose that part of the brain and have to learn things like walking and talking all over again. Just like a baby.
But Sunaura IS a baby. She doesn't know how to talk or walk yet. So she will develop normally.
Isn't God AMAZING??? I am on cloud 9.
Oh, and she'll probably get to go home this week. Remember, her due date isn't until September 28th. That's 5 weeks before her due date, already home.
God still does miracles. Everywhere. And right now, it's a miracle right here at home.
She's always been a fighter. In this pic she was less than 24 hours old-- take a note of where her oxygen tube is. She was already pulling it away from her nose.

And now she's fought to have a normal life, and to go home early.

And she has my daddy's (her grandpa) grin (btw-- he doesn't normally look that rough-- it was after present time on Christmas Eve, which is pretty much a madhouse in our family)

Haha-- and one more thing that I really got a kick out of. She wears a premie size in clothing now, but a newborn size in diapers. I laughed-- cause she's definitely in our family if her butt is one size bigger than the rest of her body!
Praise God! That is an awesome testimony and I'm so glad that you shared it with us! He does still do miracles; they occur all around us, but we are usually too self-consumed to see them! Thanks for such an encouraging post!
That's GREAT news!!!!!!!
I was going to offer to teach Sunaura's mommy to knit while she was in NICU (that's why I wondered if she was at Mission), but no need now!! God is good!!!
(And thanks for the link - isn't that site AWESOME?)
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