17 August 2009

If you have not read my post below, please take the time to read it. It's not long, but it describes a miracle that happened in my family this past week! It's the kind of post that you always want to keep at the top of your page. Unfortunately, that's not the way it works. Fortunately, it's still a miracle either way.


Josh and I were taking our dogs out to use the potty this Saturday and he got the bright idea to bring the cat along.

Our cat is an inside cat. She rarely experiences the outdoors other than from her perch on the windowsill between the blinds and the glass, so I knew this was going to be interesting.

The difference between me and Josh is that I am scared of kitty cat claws. Josh, apparently, had forgotten that she even had them.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, so I'll let them tell the rest of the story.

She didn't climb the tree-- Josh stuck her there, so she had no choice but to hang on.

This was right before she turned around and smacked me and ran into some bushes. We took that as "I'm done." Didn't it make a great pic though?

Don't let their sad faces fool you-- they did this all on their own! I left them there just long enough to get this pic. Maybe next time they'll listen for their name when I say "Kennel ____!"

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