05 December 2010

It's the little things... and the big things... that keep us together.

Before Josh and I got married we talked to everyone we knew about marriage.  It was easy to be humble in the matter because neither one of us had any idea about what it took to be married and stay married, except that we were willing to do whatever it takes.

So we talked to a lot of different people about it.  Sometimes in passing, sometimes in long conversations.  And we didn't just stick with couples who had been married a long time.  We talked to older couples, younger couples, couples with lots of kids, couples with no kids, singles, many who were divorced-- sometimes several times over.  I even like to talk to people who were bitter about marriage.

There was something to learn from everyone.  But there were a few things that they missed, so I'd like to let you in on it.

How to have a great marriage:

Remember things for the other person when you're at the store.

Cook!  There is something so special about putting the effort into cooking a meal for your loved one.

Guys?  Let her be sad when there is a person begging on the side of the road.

Love her hometown.

Be completely, ridiculously silly sometimes.

Did I mention cooking?

I'd also like to revisit the being silly part.  If you ask for your sunglasses and she hands you hers, just embrace it.  Who's going to see?

Unless, of course, she has a blog.  And then everyone will see.  But they'll also see that you're a great husband!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Cute post. :) The truth is that little things do add up. If you both make an effort to do lots of these seemingly little things for one another, your "love bank" will maintain a positive balance and you'll feel loving toward one another. We will celebrate 30 years this coming June and I can honestly say we are more in love and happier now than ever before. In fact, our adult kids do a lot of eye-rolling over our mushy behavior.

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