20 August 2010


Remember this guy?

Well my dad & mom came down to fix it the other night!  It was very helpful.  As in, there-is-no-way-on-earth-that-I-could-have-done-that-alone.

No. Way.

I did help, though!

And lookee what we found when we took off the door panel:

This is Spud:

Spud is my brother's dog.  There's an unspoken rule in my family that whenever they make or fix something, the write their dogs name on it in a place where it won't normally be seen.  This happens a lot, as my dad owns a construction company and all my brothers work for him.  Doggie names are written all over western NC.

It has occasionally caused some issues.  A few years back, the men in my family were building a barn.

When they poured the footers, all the dogs got their names inscribed in the concrete.  Of course.

There were even footprints added for some of them!  But then my cousin saw this picture on Facebook and the following comments followed:

It's true, when you live out of town, you don't always get updated on family things in our family.

So if you live in WNC, look around.  They're everywhere.

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