17 August 2010

Bonnie's Little Corner

There is a place in Asheville that Josh and I have very fond memories of.  It was one of the main things that introduced me to who he was when we first met.  You know, that stage where you have this prince charming, but turns out, he doesn't sit in his castle all day (thank goodness).

This store on the corner... everywhere you see that glass storefront... used to be a coffeeshop called "Bonnie's Little Corner."  One of Josh's best friends worked there and Josh knew just about everyone that walked through the door.

It's where our love of coffee was strengthened, and I learned what cuban coffee was.  Yum... that stuff is awesome!  It's where we watched fireworks at midnight the first day of 2006.  I remember looking at him and saying, "We're getting married this year!"

But now they've moved to a different building and combined with a restaurant.  Okay, so they have a zillion times more room... I still miss the old cramped space (literally, where you see the windows in the first picture--- that is two sides of the entire store, shaped like a rectangle).

But they still have this indian in there, which gives me peace, because he looks a lot like the indian my sister used to kiss.

And there are still old friends!  This is Jonathan (in the green) and Josh (my dear awesome sweet wonderful hubby).  I don't even know how long they've been friends, but they are the kind that would literally do anything for each other.

He's part of my hubby before he was my hubby.  I like being reminded that we were both people with complete lives before we met.  It gets harder and harder to remember that as time goes on!

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