21 December 2008

Wow. North Point Community Church has done it again. I've never seen or experienced a Christmas celebration quite like I did today. Every week they have two auditoriums doing the same service simultaneously, with a live band in each one. This week they did "dueling auditoriums" where the bands interacted with each other and live video feed between the two auditoriums. It was way cool.

One thing I love about hearing the same lyrics sang to a different tune (say, hearing a Christmas carol sung to a Coldplay tune or something like that), is that I notice the words again. This morning they sang 'Angels we have Heard on High' to a rockin tune (similar to Reliant K's version). I realized that there's a bit of attitude in the song. Check out these lyrics:

Shepherds, why this jubilee?
Why your joyous strains prolong?
What the gladsome tidings be
Which inspire your heavenly song?

Josh looked at me funny today when I began laughing during worship, but I saw a whole new take on the song and that made me happy. All I could imagine was someone running around in the field saying, "Dude, what's going on? Y'all have been buzzing about something all night!"

And then there's the first verse...

Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plain
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains.

What a beautiful picture... the angels singing and it echoing off the mountains... kind of like in Beauty and the Beast when all the dishes start singing and dancing because they're so excited.

Okay, so maybe I didn't make much sense, but it was pretty revolutionary to me. I love when I 'get' a song more just because I'm hearing it from a different perspective.


On another note... I was just listening to Relient K's version of "12 Days of Christmas" and in the middle of it they say,

What's a partridge? What's a pear tree? I don't know so please don't ask me. I can bet those are terrible gifts to get.

ha ha-- I love it!

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