19 June 2008

These little babies invaded my house last night. We had a cookout and the door was open, plus food was everywhere. We kept swatting them away, and eventually, they stayed away from the food. Then, after everyone was gone, I looked up at the ceiling and they were all hanging out there!

So I got my trusty flyswatter and a stool (cause I'm just a short thing) and began my hunt. And I learned a few things in the process:

1) The flies in my living room are way slower than the flies in the kitchen.

2) When one fly is already dead on the swatter, remove the fly before swatting again, as it will leave fly guts all over the ceiling if you don't.

3) Wear protective goggles.

The goggles are for when you look up at the ceiling which hasn't been painted in, oh, 40 or 50 years, and whenever you swat, apparently paint falls off. And guess where it lands. Oh... it's painful.

The final count? 21. But that's just the kitchen-- there are a few in the living room that I lost on the "beautiful" (har har) dark green carpet. On the bright side, my living room is freshly vacuumed now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You had flies? I had big honkin' mosquitoes everywhere! Someone who shall remain nameless left the garage door to the kitchen open and a bunch of those suckers flew right in. GRRRRR!

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