16 January 2012

A peek into the nursery...

Nope, no baby yet.  Not even so much as a hint of a contraction on Friday!  Oh well... I guess this could be a sign that she's stubborn (or always late) like her momma.  Or... it could mean that she's a baby & isn't fully developed yet, therefore not ready to be born.  You know... one of those!

Happy to report that things are going better with our doctor & we feel more comfortable about everything now.  I didn't write much about it on here, but it has been quite a wild ride with our doctor's office.  My #1 piece of advice to those planning to get pregnant, or who are newly pregnant... think about where & how you want to give birth.  Read up on some stuff, educate yourself, and then actually seek out a care provider that thinks along the same lines.  It seems so silly to think about your birth plan before you even get pregnant, but trust me, it will be worth it, as it is very difficult to change providers once you go with one.  Just like everything else in life, begin with the end in mind!

And finally... we are almost done decorating the nursery!  Wahoo!!  My nesting urge hit around the 6 month mark & hasn't been back since, which is unfortunate since we moved into a new apartment & everything I worked to organize before is completely useless & gone now.  But we are making progress in the new place & it sure is a lot easier to make things look nice when they are nice to start with!  Going from all white walls to cream colored walls is just awesome!  It makes everything look better!

Here are some shots of the nursery:

We have truly been so blessed!  I love how everything is coming together!

The mobile was really hard for me to decide on.  I wanted something with black & white & red, as well as music.  Those were the qualities that seemed to really make a mobile effective in encouraging Hazel to learn & respond.  But I couldn't find any mobiles that had the black & white on them that matched... and of course red wouldn't really match either.  So I found this at a consignment shop for $8 or $15 (can't remember).  It plays classical tunes, has the black & white that moves around to pique her interest, and also perfectly matches the colors in her room!  I snatched it up so quick it would make your head spin!

Also, above the crib will be a wall decal with Hazel's name on it.  Some friends got it for us at our baby shower & I can't wait to put it up!

Josh & I made this canvas together.  It's close to being finished.  The lyrics are some of our favorite Cat Stevens lyrics, and the music notes are to remind her to be lively, and the musical rest is to remind her to rest.  The music notes were Josh's idea, and I love it!

Our diaper stash.  On the left are all the smaller cloth diapers, and on the right are the gDiaper refills (we'll use until they run out-- especially helpful for the newborn stage!) and our wetbag.  I figure we'll adjust the flow of things as we go!

And finally, the closet!  I picked up these hanging organizers at Wal-Mart for $7 each.  The green one is a shoe organizer and I think it was more like $5!  They all have side mesh pockets as well- lots of places to store things!  Then the canvas bins are from Ross for $6 each.  I'm still working on the organization in here, but I like the direction it's headed so far.

So that's our nursery to date.  There are a few things still left to add, but I'm pretty pumped about it finally coming together, hanging things on the walls... it's making it all very real!

1 comment:

Sherry Bouthillet said...

Everything is looking great! I love the canvas :)

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