06 March 2011

A peek into my day to day.

Sometimes I feel that my blog life gets disconnected from my real life.  Sometimes not, but right now I feel like it is.  So here's what I've been up to the past two weeks.

Well, really longer than than... but hardcore the last few weeks.  This is actually the reason why we moved up here... for this new church campus.

I didn't take these pictures-- thankful for two ladies at the church who let me use them!
We had our grand opening yesterday and it was fabulous!  That building used to be the movie theater years and years ago, and was actually set to be demolished.  But God intervened and guess what?  Everything inside is brand spankin' new now, and our first Sunday church service will be there today!

I don't think I've mentioned it on my blog, but I actually do marketing for a local Chick-fil-A.  No, they don't know I have this blog, and definitely don't hold anything I say on here to them... (fine print: my views do not necessarily reflect theirs).  Anywho, here I am herding some cows... they're so fun!

Throughout the morning I had to switch gears from CFA employee to staff wife at church, and back again.  Here I am with this crazy bunch of people who have become like family to me... the staff at church & their families!

Check. This. Out!  I felt like I was back at home in WNC!  Full body spandex and stilts.  I loved it!  There was a girl too, and her long hair was flowing out the back of a purple leotard.  It was pretty awesome!  And yes-- their faces are covered.

A view from above. If you look in the bottom right of the pictures, you can see the purple leotard stilt walking lady!

So that was my Saturday.  Glad it went off well and can't wait to see what the future holds for this community!

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