I wanted to share something with the few of you who read this so that you could be praying for someone for me. My dad called today to let me know that he was at the hospital with my little sister, Angel (she's 19). She was at a friends house this morning and had a seizure, so they were at the emergency room. She used to have seizures about 10 years ago, when she was in elementary school. I remember them vividly because I was the first person to notice that something was wrong. Of course, I got scared and practically left her for dead, but that's a different story! Anyways-- at that time the neurologist said that it's probably something she would outgrow and put her on medicine for awhile. Sure enough, she didn't have any more after she started taking the medicine, and hasn't had one since (that we know of).
So keep her in your prayers. It's scary, honestly, because when she has a seizure, she doesn't shake or anything. It just looks like she's passed out. Her friend probably only realized something was wrong because Angel was also vomiting. At any rate, her friend acted quickly and once she realized something was wrong, called 911, and then called my parents.
This is a pic of us from about 4-5 years ago...

And from my wedding-- almost 3 years ago (and yes-- she is really that much taller than me-- she's slumping down in this pic, too!)

And this is from her senior prom. We took this pic and then made it the background for a cutting board for mom for mother's day that year. (yes, I know-- the jokes about our faces being on the cutting surface... hahaha)

So today's topic: I go to the coolest church on the planet. Why? Well, for one, Andy Stanley is our pastor, our leader. His leadership and capabilities are beyond human comprehension (I think even for him!). It's just a God thing. He always seems to know just what to say, and just how to phrase it, too. I wish I could be like that! Another reason is this-- what came in my inbox today:

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